Tuesday, 30 December 2014

HTC ONE M7 Battery Issue

In case the HTC One M7 mobile phone:
  • Takes long time to charge the battery
  • Phone gets too hot during charging the battery
  • Battery drained very fast even on a simple task
Take the following steps:
  • Turn off (uncheck) the Fast Boot option under Settings > Power
  • From Settings > About > Software Information > More, tap on Build Number until put the phone in Developer Mode
  • Reset the phone and go to Recovery Mode (press Vol Down and Hold Power button)
  • Clear the Cache and restart the phone


Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7 SP1

Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows® 7 with SP1 enables IT administrators to manage roles and features that are installed on computers that are running Windows Server® 2008 R2, Windows Server® 2008, or Windows Server® 2003, from a remote computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows 7 with SP. more...

Sunday, 26 October 2014

How To Turn Your Webcam into a Security Camera With Dorgem

How To Turn Your Webcam into a Security Camera With Dorgem 
Download the software from here 


Turn Windows Phone to Security Camera

Need to download the following applications from Windows phone app Store:
CameraFTP App from Windows App Store: CameraFTP App
CameraFTP Viewer from Windows App Store: CameraFTP Viewer

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Reinstalling Packages and its Pitfalls

Reinstalling a package is a simple act of uninstalling a package and installing back the same version of the package that was uninstalled. The 2 steps involved are nicely bundled up in the –reinstall switch of the Update-Package command as shown below. more...

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Query Cache SELECT Options

SELECT SQL_CACHE id, name FROM customer;
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE id, name FROM customer;

Enable the query cache in MySQL to Improve Performance

To see the cache size: 
mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'query_cache_size';  

To manage the cache size:
mysql> SET GLOBAL query_cache_size = 16777216;



Tuesday, 8 July 2014

MS SQL SERVER - String Comparison

Sometimes, comparing 2 strings can be a bit tricky in MS SQL Server. For example, if there is a field of name as varchar(n), containing the value of "Microsoft", it is actually treated as "Microsoft        " (fill the rest of field with spaces). Therefore using = always return wrong answer. Using LIKE however, return those strings which contains word Microsoft which is not the desired answer. The solution is to use PATTERN MATCHING as follow:

SELECT "Microsoft        " = "Microsoft[ ]%"

[ ]% represents the spaces

Thursday, 1 May 2014

APPML: Application Markup Language

What is <AppML>?

<AppML> is an application development framework, consisting of: 
  • An XML language for defining application models
  • A JavaScript running the the browser
  • A PHP or ASP script running on the server
more on W3C School...
more on faculty.kfupm.edu.sa...

Friday, 18 April 2014

Generate Random Numbers in C#

private static int seed = Environment.TickCount;

// Generate random number tick
private static ThreadLocal<Random> randomWrapper =
            new ThreadLocal<Random>(() => new Random(Interlocked.Increment(ref seed)));
randomWrapper.Value.Next(additionMinValue, additionMaxValue);

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Reading repetitive XML to memory using C#

Sample XML Document:

Sample C# Code:
XmlDocument myDoc = new XmlDocument()

foreach(XmlElement elem in myDoc.SelectNodes("Elements/Element"))
    XmlNode nodeName = elem.SelectSingleNode("Name/text()");
    XmlNode nodeType = elem.SelectSingleNode("Type/text()");
    XmlNode nodeColor = elem.SelectSingleNode("Color/text()");

    string name = nodeName!=null ? nodeName.Value : String.Empty;
    string type = nodeType!=null ? nodeType.Value : String.Empty;
    string color = nodeColor!=null ? nodeColor.Value : String.Empty;

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Enable remote MySQL connection

Put this as root:


where IP is the IP you want to allow acess and USERNAME is the user you use to connect
If you want to allow access from any IP just put % instead of your IP

and then you only have to put


or restart mysql server and that's it

SQL: Generate a range of numbers

SELECT ones.n + 10*tens.n + 100*hundreds.n + 1000*thousands.n FROM       (VALUES(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) ones(n),      (VALU...