Sunday, 28 July 2019

Simon Sinek

Leaders eat last: video
How to lead in the 21st century: video
Why good leaders make you feel safe: video

Thursday, 4 July 2019



SQL Check Query Return Results

DECLARE @query nvarchar(MAX); SET query = N'SELECT * FROM Table WHERE id=_id' EXEC sp_executesql @queryToPass IF ( @@ROWCOUNT > 0) BEGIN -- action END

React Alert Popup (SweetAlert)

NPM: npm install sweetalert --save CDN: <script src=""></script> import swal from 'sweetalert'; const handleSignout = (e) => {     e.preventDefault();     swal({         title: '',         text: '',         icon: '',         dangerMode: true,         buttons: {             cancel: 'Cancel',             ok: 'OK'         }     }).then((result) => {         if (result) {             // actions         }     }); }; reference:

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Prevents React App from Flash During Firebase/API Calls

const store = createStore(     rootReducer,     compose(         applyMiddleware(             thunk.withExtraArgument({                 getFirestore,                 getFirebase             })         ),         reduxFirestore(fbConfig),         reactReduxFirebase(fbConfig, { attachAuthIsReady: true }),         window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__         && window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__()     ) );
store.firebaseAuthIsReady.then(() => {     ReactDOM.render(         <Provider store={store}>             <App />         </Provider>,         document.getElementById('root')     ); });

Monday, 1 July 2019

React Routing

<BrowserRouter>     <Route exact path='/' component={LandingPage} />     <Route         path='/(.+)'         render={() => (             <div className='App'>                 <Navbar />                 <Switch>                     <Route path='/route1' component={Component1} />                     <Route path='/route2' component={Component2} />                     <Route path='/route3' component={Component3} />                 </Switch>             </div>         )}     /> </BrowserRouter>

Activate Office Permanently

Run cmd as administrator     Switch to Powershell mode Execute the following command irm | iex