netsh wlan show profile
netsh wlan show profile name="SSID" key=clear
netsh wlan show profile name="SSID" key=clear | findstr Key
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
netsh wlan show profile
netsh wlan show profile name="SSID" key=clear
netsh wlan show profile name="SSID" key=clear | findstr Key
switch# show version
The serial number is in this format: LLLYYWWSSSS
LLL = location of the supplier
YY = year of manufacture
WW = week of manufacture
SSSS = serial-id
Year codes:
01 = 1997
02 = 1998
03 = 1999
04 = 2000
05 = 2001
06 = 2002
07 = 2003
08 = 2004
09 = 2005
10 = 2006
11 = 2007
12 = 2008
AP has multiple SSIDs but randomly cannot connect to one SSID. The device is trying to negotiate and authenticate but cannot receive an IP address from the AP. This can cause due to DHCP pool of available IP addresses being exhausted and there are many conflicts. To resolve the issue:
For calculating the available storage given a certain number of disks, nodes, and RF:
Run cmd as administrator Switch to Powershell mode Execute the following command irm | iex