Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Installing IIS and deploying the ASP web application

  • Install complete IIS package (check all items and sub-items)
  • Change the ASP version in IIS by clicking on 'Application Pools'
  • Register .NET using: c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -i
  • Make 'Web -> ASP.Net Application' for windows
  • Compile the code and publish it as 'File System' to the desire directory under 'localhost/wwwroor'
  • Convert the published web folder to 'Web Application' inside the 'IIS Manager'
  • Make the 'temporary graph folder' manually on the server
  • Select the proper "Application Pool' by clicking on the desire website and 'Basic Settings'
  • Compile the project in Visual Studio and publish it under 'localhost/wwwroot/ <desire folder>'
  •  Allow users to use 'CGI' and 'ASP' services by making them 'Enable'

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Activate Office Permanently

Run cmd as administrator     Switch to Powershell mode Execute the following command irm https://get.activated.win | iex