Monday, 23 April 2012

Create Duplicate Table in MySQL

MySQL provides many methods to create duplicate table with its data or without its data. The following is a simple example to create a duplicate table along-with data of the original table:
CREATE TABLE new_table_name SELECT * FROM old_table_name; 
An important point to note is that this query will not create column attributes and indexes as defined in the original table.

If you also want to have such attributes, this can be done with another easy way. Below queries will create a copy of the original table with all its constraints and attributes and also insert entire data from the original table to the new on:
CREATE TABLE new_table_name LIKE old_table_name;
INSERT INTO new_table_name SELECT * FROM old_table_name;

Friday, 20 April 2012

Access To MySQL

Access to MySQL is a small program that will convert Microsoft Access Databases to MySQL... more

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Web Standards Update For Visual Studio 2010 and Activating HTML5/CSS3 intellisense/validation

Web Standard Update for Visual Studio 2010
Web Standards Update provides the much wanted HTML5 & CSS3 support to Visual Studio 2010 SP1. It brings VS 2010 intellisense & validation as close to W3C specification as we could get via means of an extension... more

Activating HTML5/CSS3 intellisense/validation for Visual Studio 2010
VS2010 was originally released without HTML5 support with VS2010 SP1 to some extend. The entire HTML5 specification isn’t supported but most of the new elements and attributes are. That means you get both intellisense and validation for HTML5 with SP1... more

Query Builder for MySQL

DBforge Query Builder is a brand-new solution for quick creation of complex queries and extended data management... more 

Iron Speed Designer builds visually stunning, feature-rich Web 2.0 applications that are easy to customize and ready to deploy... more

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Teleric Radcontrol Combobox on SelectedIndexChanged

The SelectedIndexChanged event occurs when the user selects a new item in the drop-down list.

The SelectedIndexChanged event does not fire unless the AutoPostBack property is True.

The SelectedIndexChanged event handler receives two arguments:
  1. The RadComboBox that is loading items. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to the RadComboBox type.
  2. An EventArgs object. This object has the following properties for identifying what has changed:
    • Text is the text of the item that was just selected.
    • Value is the value of the item that was just selected.
    • OldText is the text of the item that was previously selected
    • OldValue is the value of the item that was previously selected
Use the SelectedIndexChanged event handler to respond in server-side code when the user changes the current selection:
ASPX code:

C# code behind:
private void RadComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object o, Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxSelectedIndexChangedEventArgs e)
    Label1.Text = "You selected " + e.Text + " item";

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Visual Studio 2010 Productivity Power Tools

Visual Studio 2010 Productivity Power Tools is a set of extensions to Visual Studio Professional (and above) which improves developer productivity. This comprises of different tool set that definitely at least one will be very useful to developers more

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Passing Parameters from C# Code to Telerik Reports

After creating a report with Telerik reporting tool, import it as reference library to the actual project. It is better to write the fields name to make sure the C# code address the right field. Then the following commands can talk to the report fields:

Telerik.Reporting.Report report = (Telerik.Reporting.Report) this.ReportViewer1.Report;
report.ReportParameters ["FIELD NAME"].Value = <VALUE>;

Monday, 2 April 2012

Telerik Reporting

(A) To create a Telerik report: 
  • Create a 'C# class library project'
  • Add a Telerik Report from C# toolbox
  • Design the report (wizard or custom query)

(B) To use the created Telerik report: 
  • Create a C# Winform of Web Application project
  • Add the created Telerik report in step A as a reference to the project
  • Add a 'Report Viewer' to the page and select the 'Report' property to point to the desired created report
  • Overwrite the 'ConnectionString' in 'web.config' with the 'ConnectionString' in the 'app.config' of Telerik report created in step A

MS SQL Server Installation Failure

Sometimes re-installing the Microsoft SQL Server failed. One of the many causes is due to remaining old instances of database or user.config file. One of the many solutions to solve the problem is to delete the 'user.config' file (XML configuration of SQL Server) from the specific path refereed in the error message such as:


Activate Office Permanently

Run cmd as administrator     Switch to Powershell mode Execute the following command irm | iex